My life was forever changed on December 24th, 2007. My friends and I had just had dinner in downtown Manhattan and were walking to a party, when a drunk driver came speeding down 8th Avenue and instead of stopping for the red light, he swerved around the other cars into the bike lane and barreled through the intersection. He hit myself and my friend, and narrowly missed another friend who somehow managed to lunge for the curb. I was lucky to survive, and 2 1/2 years later I am well on my way to recovery.
I am committed to doing anything in my power to eradicate drunk driving, and I strongly support the work being done by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) on a State-by-State level to require anyone convicted of drunk driving install an ignition-interlock device, as well their efforts on the Federal level for the development of non-intrusive alcohol detection systems in new cars in order to "virtually eliminate drunk driving once and for all."
Please help pass the Sarbanes ROADS SAFE Act which is aimed to do just that. Click here to urge your Senators and Representatives to pass this bill before Election Day.